Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze

Susan Brill

Bernice Scott, Chair

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

District 1

District 9

District 10

District 6

District 3

Tuesday, June 27, 2000, 5:00 p.m.

Report of Actions

Call to Order - Bernice Scott, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the May 23, 2000 Regular Session Meeting were approved as submitted.

Adoption of Agenda - The agenda was adopted as submitted.

Items for Action - Items A, B, C, E, G, H, I, J, and L were approved for the consent agenda.

  1. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Board of Zoning Appeals - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will increase the membership of the Board of Zoning Appeals from five (5) to seven (7) members. In addition, the Committee recommended that Council amend the language to require tie votes to be deferred to the following meeting.
  2. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Approval of Isolated Lots - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will transfer the responsibility of approving hold harmless agreements for isolated lots from the Planning Commission to the Planning Director.
  3. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Adult Day Care Facilities - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will define Adult Day Care as a use and specify where, and under what conditions, such use is permitted.
  4. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Standards for Manufactured Homes - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will change the definition of "mobile home" to "manufactured home" and not permit the placement of mobile homes in Richland County that are not up to the HUD Code.
  5. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Animals and Fowl - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will provide for the confidentiality of the identity of individuals who file animal nuisance complaints.
  6. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Open Burning Ordinance - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment which will allow for prescribed agricultural burning in rural areas. In addition, the Committee requested that the language be amended as needed for first reading.
  7. Approval of Purchase of Tandem Truck for Special Services - The Committee recommended that Council approve the purchase of one (1) tandem truck for Solid Waste and Special Services contingent upon this equipment being bid and the low bid being within the amount of funds available.
  8. Approval of Purchase of Road Maintenance Equipment - The Committee recommended that Council approve the purchase of three (3) vibratory tandem rollers from Pioneer Machinery in the amount of $35,580.00 for the Public Works' Road Maintenance Division.
  9. Award of Contract for the Paving of Thompson Harris and Richland Farms Roads - The Committee recommended that Council approve the award of two contracts to Green Acres Farms Construction in the amounts of $354,697.50 and $363,398.30 for the paving of Thompson Harris, Richland Farms, and Bookman Mill Roads as a pilot project for alternative pavement design for rural roads. In addition, the Committee instructed staff to pursue the development of a policy for using such design standards in the future.
  10. Award of Engineering Contract for Broad River Wastewater Plant Upgrade - The Committee recommended that Council approve the award of contract for an amount not to exceed $871,750.00 to Power Engineering contingent upon review and approval of the contract by the Legal Department and contingent upon third reading approval of the budget amendment for funding the upgrade.
  11. Authorization to Expend Comprehensive Planning Funds - The Committee recommended that Council approve the expenditure of the remaining $190,000.00 for the Comprehensive Plan implementation process and authorize the Executive Committee to assist the County in overseeing the expenditure of this money.
  12. Contract Renewal with Waste Management. Inc. - The Committee recommended that Council approve the renewal of contract with Waste Management, Inc. for municipal solid waste disposal services for the second five-year term.

Items Pending Analysis

  1. Citizen Complaints about Genesis Cable Company - No report was given.
  2. Impact of the Closing of City of Columbia Landfill - No report was given.

Items for Information / Discussion

  1. Status Report on the Olympia Redevelopment Project - The Committee received this report as information and asked questions related to environmental and health impacts of the DHEC representatives who were attending at the request of Council.
  2. Status Report on the Comprehensive Plan Implementation - The Committee deferred this report to the July 19 Development and Services Committee meeting.
  3. Status Report on the County Master Sewer Plan - The Committee deferred this report to the July 19 Development and Services Committee meeting.